2007年4月1日 星期日

ABC list for English learners in Asia

(c) 2007 Emily Shen
Always think of English as your second language.

Be happy, be aware and be a fluent speaker of English.

Colorful phrases are fun to learn in English: “Don't be a stranger!”

D ecide what you want to learn and then learn it well.

Everyone can become a fluent speaker in English. Go slow, have fun!

Fun is the most important word in the English language!

Go for it! Make English your second language.

Hello? Is anybody home? Humor makes learning English even more fun!

Inspire yourself, inspire others.

Join an English conversation club at school or work!

Kill two birds with one stone: Study English and have fun at the same time!

Learn at your own speed. There is no hurry. Go slow, be patient.

Make every day count. Study English every day!

Names are important. What’s your name?

Open your mind, open your books, open your heart.

Prepare for your English test step by step.

Quiet time is important, too. Shhhhh!

Relax. Just relax. Relax and learn!

Speak with confidence. You can do it!

Test yourself.

Underline all the English words you don't understand when you read the daily newspaper in English.

Vexed? Ask your teacher for help!

Whatever you do, do it well.

X-ray your mind. There is a good English foundation there already!

You are the master of your own destiny. Go, go, go!

Zoom in and zoom out like a camera. Study English with a camera in your mind.


4 則留言:

wintersweet 提到...

This is a fun list, and useful too. I hope you don't mind if I link to it in Readable Blog.


Clarissa, please do.

I am sure the author won't mind. In fact, she just emailed me and gave her permission for anyone to reprint that list anywhere. SMILE

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[...] [...] Scott Daniels (Florida List For Less Realty, Inc.) wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerptABC for English learners: An English teacher who has taught in China and Japan wrote this list of A - Z ideas as a way of inspiring her students, she told me in a recent email and said she is thinking of making it into a poster and … [...] [...]


Clarissa, one question. How on Earth did you find this blog?


wintersweet 提到...



I ran across the list through Japundit, I think.